Meet the Author: Dani J. Caile

Hello, people! 

Here we are again with another Indie interview. This time I am glad to introduce here author Dani J. Caile, who was so nice as to write a blog post on his site just to thank me for retweeting him on Twitter. Imagine that! I was totally astounded. So since I am a strong believer in Karma, paying-it-forward, and the energies of the Universe, I decided to offer him some space to ramble about himself and his books. He has a lot of books, oh my! So without further ado, read about him, about his work, and remember to show the love with comments and by sharing this post.


1. Describe yourself.

I’m the guy crazily scribbling something down on a half-ripped scrap of paper on the bus while travelling to work, the guy who you always seem to bump into but never want to meet, the guy who’s in front of you in the queue but takes the longest time to be served, I’m the guy who…I think you get the gist, huh?

2. What is your favourite fruit flavour?

Pomegranate. No, kiwi. No, lime. No, apple, yes, apple, that’s the one. No, err..

3. What is your favourite day of the week?

Tomorrow. It has to be better than today.

4. Which is your favourite time of the day?

Writing time, which is usually late at night when I’m alone with just me, myself and I…and my crappy 15 year old temperamental computer which goes slow after 30 minutes of being on.

5. Are you a morning person or a night person?

I kinda live between the two. The majority of the day is taken up by other things, whereas I get to come out late at night/early in the morning.

6. What is your favourite breakfast meal?

It has gotta be cornflakes and milk with TONS of sugar.

7. What is your favourite colour and why?

Purple. It gives me a feeling of life and death, I have no idea why. I just love it. Oh, and red, red definitely. And green. Oh, hell, it’s black….no, white, yes, white. Pure and simple, white. Black. Ahh!!

8. Which is your most favourite book ever?

Tricky one. It changes as my experience increases. ‘Waiting for Godot’ is my favourite play which I read…and William Shatner’s ‘Star Trek Memories’ would be the autobiography, but book? For this last year, ‘Crome Yellow’ by Aldous Huxley, that’s gotta be it.

9. What kind of music do you like?

Pixies, Marilyn Manson, Frank Zappa, the Stranglers, Foo Fighters.

10. Which is your favourite genre of films?

Sci-fi set on Earth, and any Jason Statham movie – I guess that’s a genre, the way he acts.

11. Which is your most favourite place on the Earth?

Home. Wherever that is at the time of writing this.

12. Which animal would you want to be and why?

A wolf. I’d love to howl.

13. If you could have a luncheon with any 3 people (real or fictitious), who would you choose and why?

Winston Churchill, Black Elk and Aldous Huxley, I have a few questions for them.

14. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would you ask for?

1st wish – replace politics for a system that isn’t corrupt and selfish.

2nd wish – instant karma for all.

3rd wish – make everyone realise that differences don’t matter.

15. If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the 5 things that you would want to survive?

A solar powered laptop with internet, food, an umbrella, a cushion and toilet paper.

16. If you could be anyone, who would you be?

Dan Brown – I may not be respected for my writing, but I’ll sure as hell know that whatever I write I’ll make millions from it.

17. What is the one thing you wish you could change in yourself?

My blood type.

18. What is the one thing you wish you could do if given the chance?


19. What would you do if you won the lottery?

Buy a house on the hill and make sure my kids go to the best schools.

20. If you knew that this was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it?

Tweeting my books. No, with my family, of course…while secretly tweeting my books.

21. Were you a naughty kid or a nice kid?

I was the quiet kid, neither naughty nor nice, waiting to grow up. Still waiting.

22. What was the happiest moment in your life?

This surprised me – my wedding day 

23. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

In a bookshop, looking at my books amongst all the others.

24. What is the weirdest/craziest thing you have ever done?


25. What is your definition of an incredible weekend?

Two days which come after the 5 day working week.

26. Which is the best holiday you have ever had?

I’m a teacher, I get the summer off with my kids, so I would have to say Somerset, 1997. Nah, it was a one month holiday at Lake Velence with the kids, it was fantastic.

27. Have you got a phobia you want to share?


28. What makes you angry?


29. What do you do when you feel sad?

Eat chocolate. A LOT of chocolate. And then watch a TV show, usually an American comedy or even QI.

30. Who or what inspires you?

Inspires me to write? My readers. Inspires me to live a good life? My family.

31. Congratulations! Now you can freely rant about your book(s) and/or projects.


First off, thanks Cinta, for this wonderful opportunity to be here on your website. Without this kind of support, self-published authors would die in the wilderness that is Amazon.

And now to my ‘Face-Slapping Literature’ writing!

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I started off by writing 3 light comedy books based on a crazy neo-plantonic universe, ‘Man by a tree’, ‘The Bethlehem Fiasco’ and ‘The Rage of Atlantis’. After that I slowed down a little, wrote the novelette ‘TDX2’ for a sci-fi competition (which I didn’t win) and wrote the finest part (so far) of my ‘neo-plat’ world, ‘Manna-X’. This last year I got involved in The Iron Writer (TIW) Challenge and have brought out two compilations of short stories based on the rules of TIW challenges. The 4 books are available on Amazon, whereas the other 3 are available FREE on Smashwords.

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I have a few projects in hand, two fantastic short stories (3000+ words) will be published in anthologies later on this year, I’m working on expanding a short story into a zombie novelette, writing ‘Dani’s Shorts 3’ and I will very soon bring out a brand new book, ‘How to build a castle in seven easy steps’, with a brand new crazy world filled with dictators, crazies and cannibals. Read a little here, if you dare…

If you’d like a little more of me, you can find me on Facebook:

And Twitter: @jedica

And my daily blog here:

I hope you will give my work a little time and consideration, and thanks for reading all the way up to…here.

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